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Retreat Recordings
Brahma Viharas as Insight Practice, Part 3: Mudita

Brahma Viharas as Insight Practice, Part 3: A Deep Dive into Mudita

Led by Karunadevi and Shraddhavani

November 1-3, 2024 Online via Zoom

This is the third of our four-part series exploring the insight dimension of the Brahma Viharas. We will build upon what we practiced in the first two weekends on Metta and Karuna, and apply it toward an experiential understanding of Mudita (Sympathetic Joy). There will be talks and guided practices that foster a heart-centered understanding of our interconnectivity with all that is. 

Saturday Morning Meditation - Metta Bhavana with Karunadevi

Saturday Session 1: Introducing Mudita, talk by Karunadevi

References to The Four Sublime States, Nyanaponika (Access to Insight)

What is your experience of joy in your life? of joy in relation to other beings?


How would you describe the embodiment of metta and mudita physically, mentally, emotionally?


What triggers us, irritates us, what works against our aim, what takes the mind out of that abode we are aspiring to?


On the other hand, what inspires us, what warms our heart, what helps us to achieve that state of mind?


Anything else that we notice - things that come up in our meditations, and in our interactions with others in our life. Can we practice looking at others through eyes that see beauty and uniqueness? Can we look at ourselves this way as well?

Reflection Questions following Session 1

Karunadevi's response to the question to say more about how mudita arises from karuna.

Saturday Session 2a: Mudita as Rejoicing in Merits, talk by Shraddhavani


Reflection question: What does it feel like to give and receive appreciation, and what gets in the way?

Reflection Question following Session 2a

Saturday Session 2b: Transforming Envy, talk by Shraddhavani

Reference to talk by Maitrisiddhi entitled Mudita and Amoghasiddhi's All-Accomplishing Wisdom (Free Buddhist Audio)

Sunday Morning Meditation - Mudita Bhavana with Shraddhavani

Sunday Session 3: Plenary, Q+A

Invocation of Mamaki


Puja to Mamaki, written by Vessantara

Pujas to the Five Female Buddhas

(available on

Mantras of the Five Consorts

​(free buddhist audio)

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