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History of Alokasetu and the Bridge of Light

Prior to the formation of Alokasetu, our fundraising efforts were collectively called the “Bridge of Light.” 

In those early days, order members came from across the continent and the pond (from the UK), as they say, to lead our ordination training retreats. It quickly became clear that the added costs of multiple airfares were too much to be absorbed into the retreat registration fees. 

In order to keep the fees affordable, mitras and order members worked together to create the Bridge of Light. Its goal was to raise $3,000-$5,000 annually to cover retreat team costs, including travel. 

We also found that financial resources were a potential obstacle for some mitras to participate in the retreats. So a portion of the money raised was allocated to what became the Cintamani Fund – to support each other in our Going for Refuge.

Our fundraising projects were varied and brought out our collective creativity. We worked together as teams to host face painting days, community dinners, a women’s holistic health day, and other such events. We also found ways to make and sell art, jewelry, clothing, and other crafts. 

In 2021-2022, we formed a new non-profit organization called Triratna Ordination Training, Inc. along with our virtual retreat center named Alokasetu. This entity provides legal and financial oversight of our ordination training program, and also allows its board to take a more strategic view of our activities. We also created an Alokasetu Mandala of Support as an umbrella fund over the previously separate Bridge of Light, Cintamani, and Succession Funds.

In the present day, the Bridge of Light continues to fundraise, but is now under the umbrella of our newly-formed Alokasetu and is managed by a kula (team) of GFR women. The kula organizes regular appeals by reaching out to GFR mitras throughout the year. 

If you are interested in helping with fundraising, we welcome your ideas and energy! Please contact us.

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